Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More on Growing your Baby Footprint and Handprint Ceramic Business

There are many avenues to market your baby clay handprint business. One way to find new clients is to do baby and kids fairs and craft shows. These shows can be excellent ways to market your product as well as take your prints right at the show. You are able to find out about the locations of the shows by searching on line as well as contacting your local chamber of commerce and recreation departments. Often times these birth and baby fairs, craft shows and kids fairs are sponsored by your local moms groups, community groups and hospitals.

The benefits of doing these shows are many. It gives you a chance to meet new clients and introduce and show your product. It is always a good idea to have a brochure with all your current contact information as well as sample pictures of your clay handprint and footprints. Have your prices next to your pictures and make it easy for your customers to see what they are buying and how much it costs. Giving your clients a discount coupon for their order is always a good incentive for them to buy. Plus, it helps your business as well.

Taking prints at the show is a true benefit. While you are meeting new clients you have those customers that are wanting prints that day. Taking a clay handprint will generate interest from the crowd and this usually encourages others to get their child's prints done as well. You might want to offer those taking prints the day of the show a discount to show appreciation for their business. This discount may also encourage them to purchase more prints for other family members. It is a win-win situation. You are making money and your clients are happy.

This clay handprint business is a year round business with unlimited potential. Doing these craft and baby fairs is an excellent way to add new clients to your business and it can be very profitable and fun too.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Growing your Ceramic Handprint Business Step-by-Step

Once you have your ceramic handprint training program you are ready to start practicing making your hand and foot prints and at the same time start developing your network of resources to market them to. It is one thing to know how to make a beautiful product, but, you must market your product to make yourself an income. There are several ways to find avenues to market yourself. First, of course is to let all your family and friends know that you are now in the clay hand and foot print business. Make a few samples of your friends babies and children's handprints and give them to them. They will show them to their friends and you will be amazed at how word of mouth will work for you. Be sure to have cards and brochures with pictures of your samples. Have all your contact information on the front page that can be read easily. No need to spend lots of money on printing. You can do this on your home computer and get them printed at a copy shop. A good idea is to contact your local Chamber of Commerce and local newspaper to let them know about you as well. Look up online local mom's groups and contact them. Let them know that you are now in business and would like to network with them. Networking with local mom's groups, community groups and local businesses will be helpful with building your business. Successful marketing takes time and energy. Being accountable to all you clients and new markets will build a loyal base for you year after year. More on marketing on our next blog.