Thursday, November 18, 2010

A story about Hedy and Ross

Hedy and Ross have been important to me, even though we don't really know each other very well. They have been clients, off and on, but more meaningful to me is that they have been friends in the little ways that count. Here's a true story that tells a lot about them.

About 4 years ago, my Dad died. He was 86 and had a good life, but that doesn't make it feel any better to me, and I know many of you have been there, so you know what I mean. Somehow, I ended up telling Hedy and Ross about it and I guess I was feeling pretty sad and showing it. Anyhow, what they did next is something that I will carry with me forever.

Dad wanted to be cremated, so I dutifully executed his will, and scattered part of his ashes on his and Mom's homestead in the Arizona White Mountains. That left me with part of his ashes and I needed a place to keep them. Hedy and Ross instantly offered to make an urn, and in fact they basically just herded me into their studio at the Full Moon Gallery and went to work.

As I watched Ross shape that pot and lid, I could see the skill earned by throwing 10,000 pots turning a lump of white clay into a beautiful vessel in what seemed like seconds, though it must have been minutes. Hedy's deep blue glaze (Dad's favorite color: he liked "any color car as long as it was blue") and inscription put the finish on it. That finished urn Hedy and Ross gave to me is an act of kindness for someone they didn't know all that well, but it really matters to me.

So, that blue urn is in sight in my house and I think of Dad when I see it. And you now know why I will always carry Hedy and Ross with me.

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